Things You Should Decide Upon When You Prepare the Petition for Simplified Dissolution
1. You must agree to one of these two (2) choices about the dividing of your marital assets and liabilities: (Dividing your marital...
What Documentation do You Need to File a Simplified Dissolution?
1. Cover Sheet for Family Court Cases. (A standard form) 2. Both of you must complete a Petition for a Simplified Dissolution; (Both of...
What are the Qualifications of a Simplified Dissolution?
There are six (6) qualification points listed below. Qualification points 5 and 6 pertain to the same thing and only one can be chosen....
Bundled or Unbundled Legal Representation
It is estimated that about 65% of litigants in family court begin their case unrepresented and that number grows to 85% by the end of the...